
Alum Gifts Woods Ring to Student at SMWC

明矾的故事, 新闻 | 05.14.2024

At Saint Mary-of-the-Woods College (SMWC), students gain life-long skills and build their knowledge, but they also make connections that last beyond the years they spend at The Woods. 摩根·克劳斯24年, what started as an assignment for class ended as an ever-lasting memory and connection to The Woods. 

Morgan Krause ’24 and Joan Kirkpatrick, SP, ’55

Throughout the spring semester, Krause completed the course Healthy Aging through Activity, instructed by Tricia Pierce, 本公司, ACSM-CEP, assistant professor of exercise science, through a program that Pierce calls Service Learning, allowing students to practice the learned skills in real-world settings The class visited the Sisters of Providence once a week to conduct an exercise program to promote the benefits of being active. “As a professor at The Woods, I’ve found that it’s important and rewarding to give students these ‘service learning’ experiences to not just benefit them professionally, but also to keep them connected to the roots of the College, 哪一个, 当然, 姐妹们开始了.”

At the beginning of the program, Krause immediately connected with Joan Kirkpatrick, SP, ’55. “She was one of the first presenters in the program, 我们继续, 我知道我会记住她的,琼修女回忆道. 整个学期, she and Krause had several conversations and discovered they both lived in Colorado. As their bond strengthened, Sister Joan then learned that Krause chose not to receive a Woods Ring. “I had known for several years that I wanted to gift my ring to a Woods student who did not have a ring but was very deserving of one. I knew after having multiple conversations with Morgan, she was deserving.” Sister Joan then connected with Dr. 皮尔斯在"姐妹舞会,” an event that was sponsored by SMWC Student Senate and Presidential Corps and told Pierce she wanted to give her ring to Krause.

Morgan Krause ’24, Tricia Pierce, 本公司, ACSM-CEP and Joan Kirkpatrick, SP, ’55

Upon learning that Sister Joan wanted to give her Woods Ring to her, Krause was shocked. “At first, I said no, I just didn’t have an interest in having a ring, but after talking with Dr. 皮尔斯,我改主意了. I feel so honored to now wear Sister Joan’s ring and carry on her legacy and mine.” 

Sister Joan shared what an honor it was to gift her ring. “Some people may see it as losing something, but I don’t view it that way at all. It is such an honor to gift mine to Morgan, and I know she will wear it proudly,” Joan said. 4月, before the chaos of final exams began, Krause and Pierce ventured over to Providence Hall to have lunch with Sister Joan. 从那里, they socialized as Sister Joan reflected on her time at The Woods as a student and Sister of Providence. Sister Joan then presented Krause with her Woods Ring. Although they were skeptical about needing it resized, it was a providential moment as she slid Sister Joan’s Woods Ring on her finger. 这简直是天作之合.


In sharing this experience together, Krause and Sister Joan continue to be grateful to Dr. Pierce for bringing their journeys together. “Tricia is the perfect fit for the College to keep students connected here at Saint Mary-of-the-Woods,琼分享道. In addition to Pierce serving as a mentor to her, Krause shared that she credits a lot of her success in her Woods journey to Pierce. “I really wouldn’t be able to do anything beyond college or have accomplished anything during my time at The Woods with Dr. 皮尔斯,”克劳斯分享道. 

In addition to being known for her contagious personality and creating a positive environment at The Woods, Pierce was awarded the 2024 校友 教师 Leadership Award during the Pomeroy 教师 Appreciation Awards ceremony. The award is presented to an individual who has excelled in demonstrating leadership qualities to SMWC students.